Demo Day provides butler student Led or Supported startups a showcase to:

  • gain feedback to refine or scale their concepts,

  • find talent to expand their teams, and

  • connect to funding,mentors and growth opportunities.

  • All participants are eligible for the Jim McKneight Entrepreneurship Award, $500, the Social Impact Award,$500, or other opportunities including the Loop Development grant or seed loans of various amounts, alumni investments or other resources.

How does it work?

Participants give a 5 minute pitch with 5 slides to quickly and concisely describe their concept, milestones to date and ask for the support they need to move forward. The supportive ask is not limited to financial need. Need a team member or person that knows how to do one specific thing? Ask! Connection to an alum? Ask! Each pitch is followed by a Q&A with the audience.

During and following the pitches, participants can engage with the audience of students, faculty, entrepreneurs, investors, and startup supporters in the Showcase area. Download this resource guide with additional information and templates to help you get started.

All participants are eligible for various funding and engagement opportunities. Winners and opportunities announced during the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Celebration the same afternoon, April 17 at 3pm.

Students RegistEr TO PARTICIPATE and gain feedback + Potential cash prizes

Complete online interest form and submit the following by April 16th at 8pm:

  • One page executive summary

  • Logo file (png, jpg, or pdf)

  • 5 slide pitch deck

  • A physical display related to your concept is needed to assist with networking efforts and receiving responses to your ask. It does not have to be submitted in advance. Bring it with you on the day of the event.

  • You will receive email confirmation of your registration and a link to submit materials. This confirmation will also include the opportunity to select the preferred time block you’d like to pitch given class schedules.

    • See these templates and additional information to help get you started.

    • Want to practice? Attend an optional practice pitch session on April 15th 3-5pm or schedule a 1:1 with an Innovation Lab Fellow.

Day of the event

  • Arrive by your designated time and setup your physical display for the networking portion of the event.

  • Pitch and engage with participants including your peers.

  • Learn of additional funding or opportunities available based on your pitch at the Celebration of Innovation.


  • Who am I pitching too?

    • The audience includes other student founders, supportive peers, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Each has the opportunity to offer feedback during or after the pitch. Award winners are selected by a small panel of students and alumni.

  • I only have an initial idea and not ready for funding or a team. Can I still participate?

    • Yes! Demo Day is a time to demonstrate your concept and ask for the feedback and connections you need to move it forward. It’s also a time to celebrate your milestones you made already in developing your idea. Reminder, you are not limited to funding requests.

  • I need help completing an executive summary or practicing my pitch. Where can I receive help?

    • Drop in or schedule a meeting with an Innovation Lab Fellow or Associate, visit the speakers lab or check out these resources.

become a judge, mentor, or supporter

Share your knowledge and insight to help these startups to continue to develop.